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Fun Activities for When You’re on an International Business Trip

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If you are planning future business trips to London, particularly for an extended period of weeks, you may want to consider the best hotels in areas that offer a pleasant diversion from your busy schedule or serve as a fun yet informative activity during a day off from work.

London has always been a desirable city for travelers. In 2011 alone, 15.3 million people came to “see the sights.” The renowned city took its turn in the international spotlight in 2012 during the Summer Olympic Games, which brought in thousands of tourists for a period lasting a little less than a month. This is undoubtedly at least in part why roughly 8,000 hotel rooms were opened to the public that year.

Before you arrive in London, when booking your trip you may want to consult with a travel agent who can offer insightful suggestions regarding quality hotel bookings and accommodations and engaging tourist attractions. For example, you could consider going to the London Zoo, which was founded in 1828 and is is the oldest scientific zoo in the world. If you are interested in an eclectic shopping experience, Camden Town is an excellent option. Even better, the neighborhood can be reached via canal boats.

If the arts interest you, there is a veritable wealth of opportunities. Royal Albert Hall, the Barbican, and Wigmore hall are all excellent venues for classical music concerts. For visual art, the Tate, Tate Modern, and the Courtauld Gallery give you access to some of the greatest works in history. And there is, of course, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. All of these places would be ideal destinations when planning a vacation as well.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about how to plan business trips in London, see the forum below.

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