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How to Transform a Small Backyard Into a Classroom

The Covid-19 pandemic seemed to hit us like a ton of bricks. It has radically changed our daily lives. Many are working from home. Others have been laid off and the essential workers are having to work through it all. Events have been canceled. We are wearing masks every time we have to go out. One silver lining to this situation is the many opportunities we have had. Many people have been given the gift of time.

With more free time on their hands, many people have used this time to try some new projects. Schools have also been closed and parents have been turned into teachers. When teaching your children, you should try to use the area around you for your “school.” Instead of plopping the kids at a desk, consider having a more interactive experience for them. Your backyard can provide an excellent space for learning. Science and gym class are just some of the opportunities for your children in the backyard. No matter what the size of your yard is, you can do wonders with it. Follow these tips and tricks to learn how to transform a small backyard into a learning space.

Preparing the backyard

Even though your backyard may be small does not mean that there are not ample opportunities to learn. As you learn how to transform a small backyard, there is much preparation beforehand. You will want the yard to be in the best shape possible to free the learning space from distraction. An overgrown tree, for example, can be a real nuisance. The leaves will fall all over the yard and wind up in your pool among other places. A good tree cutting will help scale it all back and have it look nice and trimmed. This will open up the yard and maximize space.

Trees are beautiful products of nature and provide some great shade during the warmer months. They do, like any other living thing, have an expiration date. An old and rotted tree is both an eyesore and a danger. You will need to research the available tree removal services in your area. Removing the tree will not only make your backyard look nice, but it can also provide a learning experience. You can teach your children about nature and the age of plant life. Opening up the tree and looking into it can be a fascinating lesson for your students.

When outside, there are a number of risks you might face. Tick bites can range from a minor annoyance to a potentially dangerous situation. If left ignored, it might turn into Lyme Disease. An unkempt lawn is susceptible to ticks. If you regularly cut your grass and trim the weeds, your lawn will not only look great, but it will help combat tick bites. Try to schedule a regular lawnmowing session. Once a week should suffice. Weather is also a major factor. Saturday may be your day to cut, but a large rainstorm will block that from happening. Make sure to keep abreast of the local weather reports before heading out there. You might have to wait a little bit or do it a day early to better meet your needs. These are just some of the small backyard renovations to consider when figuring out how to transform a small backyard.


how to transform a small backyard

One of the most important priorities for parents is keeping their children safe and in great care. They will do all that they can just to make sure that their child is free from harm. While most parents don’t want to completely smother their children, there are a number of important steps that every parent will agree is reasonable. When learning how to transform a small backyard, you will want to make sure that it is safe and secure.

Fencing is the first deterrent against a break-in. Although fences could still be scaled, they could be more difficult depending on the type. A large wooden fence can be harder since the burglar will not have anything to grab on to. Your biggest advantage you have is time. The longer it takes for them to climb the fence, the more opportunities there are for them to be caught. If you are in the market for a new fence, consult with your fencing company to decide on your best options. When learning how to transform a small backyard, you will want to make sure it is safe and secure.

In addition to the fence installation services, there are other ways to make sure that your backyard is safe. Another great security measure is to install security cameras. There are several security camera installation companies that offer a wide range of cameras. They will help you see everything that goes on outside.

Say you hear a strange noise, for example. Instead of going out to investigate, you can simply consult with the camera to see what made the noise. Some high measure systems will come with an audio system so if someone breaks in you can yell at them. Motion sensor lights can also come in handy. With all of these security measures in place, you will help keep your family, especially your children, safe. This will give you added peace of mind as you begin teaching them.

Animal visitors

Squirrels, rabbits, and at night, skunks, and raccoons are known to make their homes in everyone’s backyard. Seeing these critters run through your yard can be a nice and interesting, learning experience for your children. There are, however, some situations where creatures in your backyard that can cause some trouble. When you are learning how to transform a small backyard, you will want to make sure it is free from creatures that can cause harm.

An insect infestation presents a dangerous situation for you and your children. This will severely hamper your child’s “school day.” To combat this, you will want to contact a quality pest control company to take care of this situation. A visit from the exterminator can be a rather costly endeavor. With many families struggling financially during this pandemic, it might create a hardship. You can help prevent this scenario by investing in an insecticide spray. This can help nip the infestation in the bud.

What to teach outside

how to transform a small backyard

While you learn how to transform a small backyard into a learning space, you might wonder what exactly you can teach outside. Science and gym class immediately come to mind, but pretty much any subject can be taught outside. The backyard can provide the nice solitude that is beneficial for English or reading class. They can sit in the shade while reading one of the classic books. As long as they have ample space to work, any subject could be taught in your backyard.

Most students will have an assigned curriculum from their teachers, but there might be some opportunities to expand their learning. You can use this time to teach your children other topics such as gardening. Over 33% of households have a fruit and/or vegetable garden in their backyard. If you have a garden in your backyard, tending to it can provide some quality bonding time with you and your children.

This activity will not only teach your children about science and plant life, but also about responsibility and hard work. These are just some of the added learning experiences that your children can enjoy at this time. Consider starting a garden when learning how to transform a small backyard into an outdoor classroom.


One consequence of the pandemic is our schedules being radically changed. We are used to a strict and routine schedule. With many of us staying at home our lives have tended to shift focus. The nine to five lifestyle has seemingly been tossed out the window. While at home, we now have the opportunity to break up the monotony. This can also hold true for our children as well.

Children are used to a rigid school schedule. With them at home, you might want to consider breaking up the day. Instead of a normal six-hour school day, consider breaking them up into several hour blocks. While this may not be right for every child, for some it can be beneficial. You might want to even consider scheduling some school time in the evening hours. If you are planning this, you will want to make sure that you have adequate outdoor lighting fixtures in your backyard. Great lighting is essential while learning how to transform a small backyard.

how to transform a small backyard

During the lighting process you will want to make sure that you have the right people doing it. You can do it yourself or you could hire a lighting installation contractor to meet your needs. This will depend on your skill level and availability to complete the project. If you choose to hire someone for, you will, just like your children, have some homework to do. You will need to practice your due diligence in finding the right company. Consider recommendations from friends, colleagues, and family members. This can help you narrow your choices.

You can also consider the do it yourself method. When you do install lighting fixtures, safety should be your number one priority. Any project that involves electrical wiring carry a significant amount of risk. Make sure that the fixtures are always turned off during the installation process. If not, you will be in for a big shot of electricity. Make sure to handle all wire while wearing gloves. You might want to consider using this installation as a learning experience for an older child. The trades are a great option for teenagers thinking about their future. If your teenager is weighing the options of their future, you can use these DIY projects to introduce them to a career in the trade fields. Even if they are not interested in this as a career, there is always value in learning home repairs.

During this process, you will also want to make sure that your child’s safety is well taken care of. You can give them some of the simple tasks that have little safety risk. You can take on the more complicated matters while showing them how it’s done along the way. As you and your teenagers learn how to transform a small backyard, this can create a great bonding activity.

Other topics to cover

In addition to their regular curriculum, there are a number of other subjects that can be taught to your children while they are home. Utilize the space you have to create an unorthodox learning experience. As you learn how to transform a small backyard into a classroom, you can use some real-world examples that can be found in this area.

Health class is another of the classes that will be taught from home. You can definitely use your outside space to teach your child new ideas. First aid is a subject that is often covered in health class. While going outside does not pose a serious threat, there are a number of emergency issues that you will want to be aware of. Heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration are just some of the crises that require first aid. While you are in the backyard with your children, you can teach them about how to respond in these emergencies. You can also teach them about poisonous plants. They will learn how to identify and avoid these plants, as well as treatment. First aid is a valuable skill that everyone should have a basic understanding of. Children are brighter than many think and it is beneficial if they learn how to address these situations. In an emergency, even your young children can help get health care services for adults and others. This information is vital and can be a real lifesaver.

how to transform a small backyard

Your backyard can serve a number of different functions. It can be a recreational space, a place to eat, and come this fall, a possible classroom. Even if your backyard is on the smaller side, you can still find new opportunities to utilize this space. As long as you stay safe with your efforts, you can make a perfect transition. Just know the number of your nearest urgent care center in case you hammer your thumb.

This is a new situation and school is undergoing a radical transformation. By following these tips and tricks you can learn how to transform a small backyard into a classroom. Your children can definitely benefit from this new form of school.

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