Hidden Gems
People travel all around the world to find treasures mysteriously placed in secret locations. Site Seeing these remote destinations has become everyone’s bucket list; making a List and Checking it Twice to make sure it’s personalized just for themselves. Hunting the best deals via travel by way of cruise, plane and hotels, or vacation packages to fully digest the whole experience. Whether it be From visiting the Great Barrier Reef in Australia to a castle tour in the United Kingdom, people are seeking out their life long adventures.
One of these hidden gems belongs to the United Kingdom which consists of four countries; England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. These beautiful countries rest between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea as well as strategically placed north of France. Out of these four countries, England is the largest portion and North Ireland being the most condensed. Cloaked within their protective coverings is a cascade of hidden treasures.
London is the capital of England, one of the most traveled places in the world and is loaded with history. Browsing through the museums or gliding the art galleries is most popular, but there is something else that has caught attention; a castle tour. Between England and Wales there is over fifteen-hundred castle tours to salivate over. By plugging yourself into the Internet and fishing out the best tours of England, you will be able to check off an item on that bucket list and add wonderful memories to your photo book.
Now traveling to the north just a bit you will land yourself in Scotland; home of the movie Brave-heart. This country has a population of around five and a half million people, a tad bit larger than the city of Los Angeles. Scotland has beautiful country sides, amazing views of the blue ocean waters, and a figure of about three-thousand castles to raid. Securing a Chauffeur tour in Scotland would be the perfect gift and best way to optimize you time.
Just to the west you will journey into Northern Ireland which is still Irish country and just as beautiful. This piece of the pie is the third largest island in the European continent and jam packed with fortune; and no, there’s not leprechaun with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Ireland is known for the Shamrock, Celtic cross, the public’s Roman Catholic religion, and Guinness beer; Whoop! Whoop! However, taking a castle tour with one of their luxury tour packages would give you the rejuvenation everyone desires.
Sailing across the Irish Sea just to the south you will anchor onto Wales, the petite territory. Wales is only around eight-thousand square miles with a census of three million; about the size of Chicago. This countryside is popular for their rugged coastlines, mountainous National Parks, and historical castles. Transporting yourself into a distant erra during a castle tour will transform your mind and willingness to ever return.
Formulating your bucket list and checking them off one by one as you create remarkable memories will add value to your quality of life. Enjoying sharing those photos and reminiscing about the amazing sites that you got to witness will add purpose to others daily lives. Watching the expressions and listening to your family and friends gab about the experience from beginning to end creates wealth. Rather you take a castle tour in England or grab a vacation package with a tour in Scotland, Making those memories for ourselves and with our loved ones is priceless.